This is an online resource center created for the benefit of the Yuba, Sutter & Colusa County area residents. This website is paid for by: District19 CNIA (California Northern Interior Area)
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a worldwide fellowship of individuals who share their experiences, strength, and hope with each other to solve their common problem and help others recover from alcoholism. The primary purpose of AA is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.
Founded in 1935 by Bill W. and Dr. Bob S. in Akron, Ohio, Alcoholics Anonymous operates on the principle of anonymity, ensuring that members can share openly without fear of external judgment or repercussions.
One of the foundational elements of Alcoholics Anonymous is the "Twelve Steps," a set of guiding principles that outline a course of action for recovery from alcoholism. These steps, along with the "Twelve Traditions" which guide AA's internal operations, have since been adopted with variations by numerous other addiction recovery programs.
Meetings are a key component of the Alcoholics Anonymous program, where members gather to share their stories and experiences. There are open meetings, where anyone can attend, and closed meetings, which are only for those who have a desire to stop drinking.
It's worth noting that while Alcoholics Anonymous has helped many people achieve and maintain sobriety, its effectiveness varies among individuals, and there are other methods and treatments available for those struggling with alcoholism.
Please refer to our calendar to find upcoming meeting times, locations, and events.
Please answer YES or NO to the following questions.
Deciding to try Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is a personal choice, and it’s up to you to determine if it might be beneficial. Answer the questions below honestly to reflect on your situation. Remember, acknowledging a problem with alcohol is a brave step, and there’s no shame in seeking help.